Count the totla number of days in current month
Count the days in current month- Count the total number of days in current month 1.) select day(dateadd(mm,1, getdate())-day(getdate())) 2.) SELECT (CASE MONTH(GETDATE()) WHEN 1 THEN 31 WHEN 2 THEN (CASE YEAR(GETDATE())%4 WHEN 0 THEN 29 ELSE 28 END) WHEN 3 THEN 31 WHEN 4 THEN 30 WHEN 5 THEN 31 WHEN 6 THEN 30 WHEN 7 THEN 31 WHEN 8 THEN 31 WHEN 9 THEN 30 WHEN 10 THEN 31 WHEN 11 THEN 30 WHEN 12 THEN 31 END) AS LastDayOfMonth